
The Right Of Secession In Europe And Around The World

The Right Of Secession In Europe And Around The World

The right of secession is a highly disputed topic in international and constitutional law. Proponents and opposers of the right…
Unanimity and QMV: How Does the Council of the EU Actually Vote?
European Union

Unanimity and QMV: How Does the Council of the EU Actually Vote?

The Council of the EU (also known as Council of Ministers) is a much-misunderstood EU institution. Both in Eurosceptic and…
Gold-plating: how EU States over-regulate themselves and then blame Brussels
European Union

Gold-plating: how EU States over-regulate themselves and then blame Brussels

The “Brussels” buzzword has through the decades come to be closely associated with over-regulation. It is hard not to immediately…
Article 7: The Nuclear Option
European Union

Article 7: The Nuclear Option

Up until today, the PiS-led Polish government had been in the process of dismantling judicial independence and the rule of…
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